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Empowering the Next Generation: Bridging the Digital and Gender Divide in STEM

Code Switch: Bridging the Digital Gender Divide. Welcome to Code Switch! Our mission is to bridge the critical digital and gender gaps in the Netherlands by providing inclusive, hands-on STEM education to youth, particularly girls and those from disadvantaged backgrounds. In a world where digital skills are increasingly essential, our program offers a pathway to a brighter, more equitable future.

Why This Matters: In Europe, only 2% of students are in STEM fields compared to 20% in Asia, and in the Netherlands, less than 16% of tech workers are female. The 2023 Global Education Monitoring (GEM) Report highlights the urgent need for technology in education to achieve inclusive and equitable quality education (SDG 4). However, digital poverty and gender disparities continue to widen the gap, leaving many children without access to necessary digital tools and opportunities.

Aligned with Key Agendas: Our initiative supports the Dutch Digital Agenda, the EU Digital Agenda, and the UN’s Global Digital Compact by promoting digital inclusion and equal opportunities for all. These agendas emphasize the importance of equipping citizens with digital skills and ensuring that technology serves as a bridge, not a barrier, to progress. Code Switch embodies these principles by making STEM education accessible to every child, regardless of their background.

Our Solution: Code Switch aims to address these challenges head-on. By providing engaging, practical education in areas like robotics, AI, VR, coding, and more, we empower young minds to excel in the digital age. Our approach is designed to inspire innovation, foster critical thinking, and build a foundation for lifelong learning. Our curriculum is structured with progressive levels, ensuring that students develop a deep understanding of each concept before moving on to more complex topics.


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Join Us in Making an Impact: For every €100,000 raised, we can train 100 students through our comprehensive 1-year program. This initiative not only prepares them for future job markets but also creates a ripple effect of empowerment and innovation within their communities. Your support is crucial in helping us close the digital and gender divide, ensuring that every child, regardless of background, has the opportunity to thrive.

Impact on Students:

Gain critical digital skills essential for the 21st century. Develop confidence and competence in STEM subjects. Enhance problem-solving, teamwork, and creativity through project-based learning. Receive mentorship and networking opportunities with industry professionals. Impact on Sponsors:

Contribute to a significant social cause aligned with global and regional digital agendas. Help create a more inclusive and innovative society. Be recognized as a champion for digital inclusion and gender equality in education. Be a part of this transformative journey. Together, we can create a more inclusive, innovative, and equitable future.

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